We’re seeking volunteers who share our passion for serving students in Harrisburg in a culturally diverse, Christ-centered, education environment.
Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch and Recess Assistants
These volunteers assist the staff monitoring students during recess and lunch periods. Most days students are escorted to a nearby playground for recess. Lunch is provided by the Harrisburg School District Food Services and is distributed by LAH staff. Volunteers are needed daily from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. We are happy to have volunteers come one day or several days a week. PA clearances are required.
Classroom Assistants
Classroom volunteers are needed to work alongside the teaching staff to support students and help maintain a healthy learning environment. We need volunteers who can come in regularly and also those who can be on call, should we have a staffing need. Early education experience is not required, but ideal. PA clearances are required.
Provide Healthy Snacks and Supplies
We offer students healthy snacks during the day, which means this is an area of constant need–not to mention paper products and a varied assortment of school supplies. It costs approximately $50 per week to purchase snacks and supplies. Thankfully, donations have helped to cut that cost in half. Specifically, we welcome the following snack donations: pretzels, goldfish, and animal crackers. Are you able to help with this need?
Bring a Friend to School
One of the best ways to find new partners for Logos Academy Harrisburg is to schedule a visit to the school. While visitations are currently limited and entry into the classrooms is restricted, walking through the hallways to peak in the classroom doorways is still a great glimpse of our school environment. Are you willing to bring a friend to see the school? Please call the office to schedule a time.
Donate a Day
We really appreciate our volunteers who donate their time and skills to help us provide a quality learning environment that is diverse and expanding. While volunteers are somewhat limited during this Covid-19 season, we are still using a small number of volunteers to help connect with students and assist teachers. Or perhaps you have a special skill to offer, such as teaching art, yoga, music or dance. Volunteers typically serve weekly or as needed. Are you able to serve during lunch and recess, assist in the classroom or share a special skill?
Provide Christmas baskets
Each year we like to send our students home for the Christmas break with Christmas baskets containing small gifts and goodies. We are looking for someone to partner with us to provide these baskets. Would you be able to provide baskets and/or small gifts?
Donate a Uniform
At Logos Harrisburg, elementary students are required to wear uniforms, which consist of a navy polo shirt and khaki pants, shorts, skorts, or jumpers. We have several students that come from families where a second or third uniform adds stress to the household budget. In addition, extra uniforms are especially helpful for students who need a replacement due to wear and tear. Would you consider donating a uniform for an elementary student?
Let us know of your interest in volunteering.