At Logos Academy Harrisburg, we’re not your average kindergarten class. Our classroom is a safe place where students can have fun learning and know they are loved by Christ—and by their teachers and classmates!
Much of the learning in our classroom is experiential and hands-on. Last year, we had weekly yoga classes to help develop motor skills. We made homemade applesauce, created slime out of Peeps, and carved out pumpkins to create pumpkin volcanoes. We painted paper flowers and made new creations by tinkering with common household items. We used our senses to explore and discover new things, whether we were in math class or history. We learned how to ride in canoes and sat in the front seat of a firetruck. We went Christmas caroling at the Broad Street Market. And these activities only scratch the surface of what it’s like to be a kindergartner at Logos Academy Harrisburg.
From the beginning of each day, students are welcomed into a loving, compassionate environment. We learn how to talk about our feelings. We embrace the fact that we are all different. We come from different experiences and backgrounds, we act and look differently, and we even learn differently. But we all matter. We are children of God, created beautifully and uniquely in His image.
In our classroom, we know and love each individual student, and we meet our kids right where they are—whether that’s academically, emotionally, or behaviorally. Our class is small and caps at 12 students. We also have a lead teacher and an assistant teacher in kindergarten. This helps each student get the individualized attention they need.
Kindergarten should be about exploration and play, a place where kids discover that learning is fun. And that’s what we offer at Logos Academy Harrisburg: a place where your child can learn, grow and know they are loved.
I hope to see your students in our classroom next year!
Mrs. W.