“I like going to school; my teachers love me.”
Preschoolers are full of quotable, interesting, and sometimes humorous comments. At three or four years old, their filters are not what they will be. For instance, one student told our Mayor, “Papenfuse is a funny name.” Their comments reveal just what they are thinking and feeling, which is why Clay’s remark last week, as he…
An Accessible Education Option
The State Department of Education released the 2017 School Performance Profile scores for Pennsylvania public schools. The scores for the Harrisburg School District are not encouraging. Harrisburg is still a failing school district with challenges all too common to city schools. It is a school district with many exceptional teachers and committed staff, who find…
We Are Making A Difference
We are two months into our second year and thrilled with our start. We have 20 students enrolled in two classes and already have applications for next year. Up until just a few years ago, I did not realize how very important what we are doing really is. “Children who don’t get formal schooling until…
School Is Open
We had a great first two weeks at New City School. Our morning class is full. The afternoon class has room for just a few more students. We were excited to have all of our students who registered for our classes attend not just our first day but every day. It’s a full classroom but…
Classes Filling for the Fall
In two months classes will resume. By adding a second class of preschoolers our capacity is doubled from our first year. Our morning program for 3 year-olds is filling the fastest with just three spots still available. Our afternoon class for 4 year-olds has five spots still open. We expect to fill these openings by…
New City School Completes First Year
New City School completed its first year of existence on Thursday, May 25th with an end of the year party. We were proud to have all of our families represented by at least one parent or guardian. We are blessed with incredible teaching staff, Ms. Liz and Ms. Melissa, and our faithful volunteer, Carolyn Hansen.…
A Second Pre-K Class Coming This Fall
In the fall of 2017, New City School will add a second Pre-Kindergarten class for four/young five-year-olds. Classes will be held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 12:30 to 3 pm. Registrations are now being accepted. Space is limited. Click here to register.
Mayor Visits New City School
We were so very honored to have Mayor Papenfuse visit our school and read to the children. He was engaging, dynamic and clearly experienced interacting with children. He rolled with the interruptions, questions, and curious comments, even smiling broadly to one student’s remark, “Papenfuse is a funny name.” Thank you, Mr. Mayor, for your time…
You May Be Looking for Us!
Looking to make a difference in young lives in Harrisburg? Interested in service opportunities that make an impact? New City School is interviewing for a number of Board, classroom and other volunteer positions, one of which may be just what you are looking for. Students are already being impacted by the investment that many of…
New City School on WGAL News 8
New City School was featured on WGAL News 8 in a brief story highlighting our efforts serving the children of Harrisburg. News 8 reporter, Ms. Porcha Johnson spent 45 minutes at NCS to interviewed Mr. Andy, Ms. Liz and capture some class time on a busy Tuesday morning. The students were intrigued by the camera.…