When you walk into Mrs. Kauffman’s first grade class, you will be greeted by Eden G, even if she is not this week’s official classroom greeter. She loves that role. Her quiet voice and reserved demeanor as the greeter bely the Eden whom we all know–she is outgoing and friendly, and her big personality stands out among her classmates. What makes Eden special is her quick wit and her eagerness to learn.
Academically, Eden’s scores are at the top of her class. In national testing she scored in the high average percentile in reading foundations at the beginning of the school year. She is supported by her mom, grandmother, and grandfather, who not only value the education she receives at Logos Harrisburg but are invested in Eden’s academic growth and progress.
At Logos Harrisburg, academic success is not enough. We are celebrating Eden’s growth as a young woman in what it means to be a part of a community and how she loves and cares for her friends and fellow students. Eden is learning what it means to show respect, take responsibility, and seek to repair when needed. Mrs. Kauffman says that Eden has grown in her ability to self-regulate and is better able to own her choices. Eden’s time at Logos Academy is helping her develop into a young lady who possesses intelligence and character–the markers of a true education.