Making a Difference

She’s an essential worker and a single parent. She lives on income that keeps her just above the federal poverty line.  She never leaves her house without her mask and fastidiously maintains social distancing. While the transition to online learning in mid-November made her life even more complicated, she is so thankful that Logos Academy Harrisburg takes COVID protocols seriously. She is healthy, however a positive COVID test would be devastating, as she cannot afford to quarantine for 14 days. This is a snapshot of just one of our parents and her perseverance during this pandemic season. 

Virtual learning has been a challenge for families and students across the country. This mode of learning is trying for every student, but it’s particularly challenging for students in single-parent homes and is further complicated by poverty–something many of us do not have to deal with.  At Logos Academy Harrisburg, our teachers are gracious and patient, often tailoring instruction and taking calls well into the evening in an effort to help our students flourish. We are so very thankful for our other staff members who have shifted roles and have stepped up to offer learning support to over a dozen students who are struggling. These staff members have gone above and beyond to assist students with accessing the curriculum, managing the materials, and assisting with submissions to the teachers. We’ve learned how necessary a “paper packet” is for our students as they learn to read and write.  

Formal student assessments are happening this week.  We fully expect to see that, as a whole, students are continuing to test at grade level.  This is what your investment is accomplishing.  We are deeply grateful for your partnership!


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