Logos Academy Harrisburg has been blessed with wonderful students, great parent partners, a tremendous team of teachers and staff, and, of course, generous donors. Such incredible partnerships have enabled this little school to grow from nine preschoolers to forty five students, kindergarten through third grade! We’ve successfully added a new grade each year, with several students following along with each new grade. As we gradually filled the space that Second City Church generously provided for us, we hoped it would be sufficient for us to host pre-K through 5th grade without further expansion and remodeling. Sadly, that has not turned out to be the case. We are, therefore, unable to add fourth grade this coming school year and are in the difficult position of saying goodbye to students we have grown to know and love. Two of these students have been with us since the school opened in 2016. Naturally, this unexpected pause is hard for us, but even more difficult for our parents and their children. One parent said, “I’m sad that my child won’t be able to come back to the best school ever. It will be hard for her and myself.” This breaks our hearts, too.
We are fortunate, however, to have several schools in our community that can partner with us as we assist these families in finding a place to continue their childrens’ education in a Christ-centered learning environment. We are committed to working with these families and supporting them as best we can in their transition.
Despite next year’s pause in our expansion, we believe we must move forward toward realizing our vision of being a pre-K through fifth-grade Christ-centered school in the near future. We believe the next right step is to bring back our pre-K program.
Pre-K is Back
In 2020 the pandemic forced us to pause our pre-K program, which had been a foundational part of our education program. Thankfully, pre-K is coming back this fall! Our host church graciously offered its nursery as a space for us to house this program. We are partnering with the church nursery staff to do some minor remodeling and upgrades that will enable us to easily pivot back and forth each week between a pre-K classroom and a church nursery.
We are especially thankful to our host partner, Second City Church. Over the last six years, the church made an in-kind investment in Logos Academy Harrisburg of an estimated $125,000. This generosity has been a significant factor in making what we do possible. We are thankful for our Second City Church family and their continued investment in Logos Academy Harrisburg.
Thank you to all our partners–parents, staff, and donors, who continue to believe in the mission and the future of Logos Academy Harrisburg.
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