When a prospective parent visited Logos Harrisburg recently, Mr. Davenport, the kindergarten teacher, was in the throws of organizing his classroom, and the mother’s two children were engaged with Miss Liz. This mom’s tears at the prospect of her children attending a “safe school” in a “loving supportive environment” spoke volumes. This is why we exist and why we work so hard to staff, fund, and support New City School.
This summer, New City School affiliated with Logos Academy in York, PA. (Logos Academy York) We are honored to be associated with this institution and its 20 years of providing a rich, Christ-centered education, accessible to all students, no matter the income of their families. We anticipate maintaining Logos York’s exemplary standards through a partnership with this fine organization.
Currently, exemplary schooling is not broadly available in Harrisburg. In 2016, Mayor Papenfuse said, “We live in a city where kids are not getting a quality education.” Sadly, some 7th and 8th-grade classes in Harrisburg have scored a zero-percent efficiency in math. The high-school graduation rate hovers at 45 percent.
While many good folks in Harrisburg are working hard to address such issues in the meantime, families should have other options for their children, regardless of their zip code or income. This is why we exist and why we need you to partner with us, in some form.
We are in this for the long haul. On August 27th, 11 students entered Logos Academy Harrisburg as the class of 2031. Our goal is to add a grade a year—at least through eighth grade—and to see these students graduate with “intelligence plus character.” Martin Luther King, Jr., called these qualities “the true goal of education.”
For this to happen we need collaborative partners: collaborative family partners who make our teachers’ investment during the school day pay off to its fullest in the home, and collaborative community partners who invest in our students by volunteering in the classroom and by providing resources and supplies.
The first step is to schedule a visit. Come and see what we are doing. Meet the students and our staff, and see for yourself the environment that moves parents to tears and inspires our investors.
We are in a cash-flow crunch. August has proven to be a month of high expenses and low income—expenses much higher than anticipated and income lower than forecasted. Nonetheless, we are optimistic about the last quarter of this year. We have significant funding coming through the Pennsylvania Tax Credit program and a number of promising financial commitments from several of our investors. Help us through these lean times by donating today.