In 2016 when we opened our doors with just nine students, we envisioned a day when we would be a pre-K through fifth-grade school providing a Christ-centered, private-school education for younger learners in Harrisburg, especially those coming from underserved parts of the city. We’re almost there!
As they finish fourth grade and gear up for fifth in the fall of 2024, Rhaegar and other students who have been with us since preschool are looking forward to seeing that vision become a reality at Logos Academy Harrisburg. In order for that to happen, we must renovate basement classroom space and maintain our financial health as a school.
Click here for a draft of the floor plan.
Our renovation effort means much more than adding classrooms. Not only will we have room for fifth grade, but we’ll also have room to expand our preschool and pre-K programs, to add a small library, and to create a room for art and music classes.
We are excited to report that we have almost $100,000 of the needed funds committed toward this $150,000 project. However, we also need to maintain our operational income. In the past, donors like you have provided almost half of this needed operational income in the period between January and March. We trust that you will continue to invest in these young lives. Thank you in advance for your faithful generosity!
If you have not done so already, would you consider an extra, one-time commitment to our building renovation project for Rhaegar and his classmates? At this point, we are simply looking for commitments. Funds can be donated as late as June (or later, if need be.)
Make your pledge to making fifth grade a reality by clicking here.
I trust you know that as regular donors, your support is essential for the flourishing of our students. We view your contributions as investments in the lives of these young learners. As a grammar school, we are laying the foundation for future learning and–of equal importance–we are forming young men and women of character. Thank you for your partnership in this effort.
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