A Human Connection and Compassionate Education

Logistics made returning to Logos Academy Harrisburg this fall impractical. The drive and schedule were a bit much, especially with a younger sibling in the home. It was a difficult decision to make for her parents and disappointing for Verity. After a visit to the school just last week, Verity wrote a letter to her parents “expressing all the reasons she’d do better at Logos.”  As parents know, these decisions are complex and challenging, regardless of how our child feels, but it speaks to what you as a donor are making possible here at Logos Academy Harrisburg.

Mark Pena, author, speaker, and internationally recognized expert on millennials and generation Z notes, “In order to reach and teach students effectively, teachers must forge a human connection with them. Today’s younger generation simply will not move forward in their education and career journey without that connection. This is a non-negotiable ….” Mark Pena in Forbes Magazine January 2022

We recognize that a vital human connection is essential. It is what makes someone like Verity recognize a difference at Logos.  A challenging and even excellent education can be found at many schools, including Logos Academy Harrisburg, but it’s the strong human connection and compassionate education–forged in a Christ-centered environment–that sets Logos Academy Harrisburg apart and which is most impactful.

Perhaps circumstances will be such that Verity will be able to return to Logos.  What’s important for you as a donor to know is that your investment in students like Verity is making a difference–not just in today’s learning, but as they moves forward in their “education and career journey” and become a well-educated, virtuous students who have developed a love for learning and service.


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