Parent Spotlight!

Let us introduce you to one of our most hardworking students and his mom, a loyal parent partner. Major has been a student at Logos Academy Harrisburg for almost four years.  According to his mom, Lachelle, Major has grown as a student and is able to work independently, often without prompting.  She has been invested in Major’s education from the beginning and has all the marks of a strong parent partner. 

We thought you might like to know more about Lachelle’s experience and what she thinks about the education of intellect and character that Major is receiving here at Logos Academy Harrisburg.

Lachelle is a mom to three boys, ages 13, 11, and 8.  Major is her youngest son. She remembers his start as being “rough”, due to academic and “family issues.”   He was “quiet and standoffish when he first started.”  Lachelle does not believe Major is the type who would do well in a large classroom.

Major has grown significantly in the time he’s been at Logos. Lachelle noticed that growth particularly when the school was remote.  During virtual learning, Major was “adamant” about  getting his work done.  According to Lachelle, this has been a “tremendous change.”  Now he’s eager to go to school and eager to tell his mom all about the things he’s learning.  Lachelle attributes this growth to Major’s teachers.  “Major has grown a lot due to the support he’s received at Logos. I wish you had grades for my older two children.”

Lachelle appreciates how the “Christian portion is incorporated into the academics.”

When asked what she appreciates most about Major’s education at Logos, Lachelle replied, “It’s the teachers, because they “genuinely care about children and their education.  They are all really good teachers. They address issues right away, and they really care about the students, education, and meeting goals.” 

Lachelle is so thankful for you as donors because you make this Christ-centered, private-school education possible for Major. She says she “appreciates the donors that are taking care of most of the tuition; otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to afford it.”

We exist for families like Lachelle’s.  As a partner with us, you are having an impact–on Major’s life, on Lachelle’s life, and on their entire family. Thank you!

We’ve faced significant challenges this year and have weathered through them successfully, thanks to your support.  However, moving forward, we face space limitations that will impact our ability to add necessary upper-level grades. Your continued and expanding investment is essential for Major and his fellow students’ continued growth and success.  Would you please consider an additional gift this month?


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