Logos Academy Harrisburg has a vision to shepherd students intellectually as well as spiritually, encouraging them to live out the compassion of Christ. This vision for 2020 is already blossoming—we expect enrollment next year to exceed 50 students! Most of our preschool and pre-K students have re-enrolled, and nine of our kindergarten students have asked to stay for first grade next year. Such high re-enrollment is telling. These families, as well as many new ones, are embracing our vision. Would you consider embracing our bold vision as well, as we look forward to 2020?
Having 20/20 vision can be a challenge when we’re looking forward. Sometimes we have to press on by faith alone, trusting God’s plans for our school and our students. Just three months ago, one of our students was struggling significantly with behavioral issues, both at home and at school. At that time, the staff feared he wouldn’t be able to stay. In hindsight, we can see that Mrs. W’s and Mrs. Hanna’s compassion, love, and patience, along with a healthy partnership with his family, paid off. When Mom came for a parent/teacher conference recently, she was deeply concerned that there were so many “zeros” on her son’s report card. She wasn’t sure what the zeros meant, and given his track record, she feared the worst. She was delighted to learn that the zeros were actually “O’s” for outstanding! This student is flourishing!
We’ve seen similar growth in many of our students, which just validates our vision. As we finish up the school year, we can confidently look to 2020 with 20/20 vision, assured that this high-quality education of mind and soul is working.
Of course, none of this would be possible without your partnership and investment. Would you consider an additional gift to make our 2020 vision a reality? Give a gift between April 16 and May 31, and you’ll double the impact by taking advantage of our $15,000 matching fund.
- All new gifts received by May 31 will be credited toward this goal.
- Are you a monthly giver? If you increase your gift by 20 percent, you’ll help us cover the salary of our first-grade teacher.
Thanks for joining us in looking ahead to 2020 with 20/20 vision! Because of your partnership, our students may continue to flourish and grow in the years to come.