A Quality Education Option

Logos Academy Harrisburg seeks to be a part of the greater community movement for a prosperous city by offering a rich education of mind and soul to the children of Harrisburg, regardless of faith commitment or financial means.

Two school children in a school library

  • Volunteer Spotlight: Joy’s Heart for Service at Logos Academy Harrisburg

    When Joy first heard about Logos Academy Harrisburg eight years ago, she had no idea that it would become such a meaningful part of her life. Since then, Joy has been a devoted volunteer, dedicating one morning each week to supporting the students and staff at Logos Academy Harrisburg. For Joy, volunteering isn’t just about…

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Make a Donation

Your faithful support enables us to grow and flourish for local families who count on us to provide not only a high-quality education of mind and soul, but a warm and safe environment.


We’re seeking volunteers who share our passion for serving students in Harrisburg in a culturally diverse, Christ-centered, education environment.

Partner with Us

Consider the many ways in which you can partner with Logos Academy Harrisburg—host a home meeting, donate a day, adopt a parking space, or donate a uniform.